Tuesday, September 2, 2014

This is me. Take it or leave it!

(photo taken from google)

It's been a while since I last touched and even took a peek of my blog. I suddenly felt the need to go back to writing and put into words these sentiments, happiness, joys and disappointments I have been keeping inside.

Anyway, life hasn't been easy these past few days. Challenges in my love life, career and even my relationship with the people around me have taught me so many things in terms of giving so much love and trust. It dawned on me that the things I value the most are gradually leaving me (without any trace of remorse on my part) and  those that I value less are growing exponentially which sometimes wobble my sane mind, thus making me act a little weird lately. However, these situations are needed to keep me grounded, to make me realize that I am still human who fears God, values friendship and cares about the world around. I may not be the most significant person in my circles, but I make it a point to be heard and to be invincible.

This is me and I care less of what other people say about me! 

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